Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Top Offbeat Career Options for 2020

Top Offbeat Career Options for 2020 Top Offbeat Career Options for 2020 | 50 Awesome Resources7 min read Read ­ing Time: 6 min ­utesGone are the days when only doc ­tors and lawyers could get a well-pay ­ing job. These days more and more peo ­ple are tak ­ing the road less trav ­eled and find ­ing their dream jobs in off ­beat careers. Off ­beat Career is the per ­fect way to break the monot ­o ­ny and rigid ­ness of a typ ­i ­cal 9â€"5 day job. Thanks to the estab ­lish ­ment of the inter ­net, it has tak ­en the world by storm and cre ­at ­ed mil ­lions of job options for young ­sters. In addi ­tion, there is a change in the way peo ­ple think. Par ­ents are more sup ­port ­ive above their chil ­dren fol ­low ­ing their pas ­sions. With the pres ­sure of find ­ing a 9â€"5 gone, peo ­ple are free to dis ­cov ­er what they real ­ly want to do. Here is a peek into some of the most popular emerging offbeat career options: Radio Jockey As the name sug ­gests, Radio Jock ­eys work at radio sta ­tions. Their work involves pre ­sent ­ing var ­i ­ous music pro ­grams and enter ­tain ­ing the audi ­ence through modes like celebri ­ty inter ­views, pro ­vid ­ing com ­men ­taries relat ­ed to a music piece and man ­age requests of lis ­ten ­ers, etc. They have great voic ­es and know how to charm lis ­ten ­ers. As a result, hav ­ing a good voice as well as a strong com ­mand over lan ­guage is essen ­tial to make a career in this field. Use ­ful Resources: How To Become RJ â€" My Career Coun ­selling The Right Path to a Career in Radio Jock ­ey Stream â€" SeamE ­du How to Become an RJ in India: Inter ­view with RJ Rahul Makin â€" Mindler RJ â€" How to start a career as a Radio Jock ­ey â€" Infi ­nite Cours ­es How to become a Radio Jock ­ey â€" Voice Artists Wine Taster Wine Tasters are cer ­ti ­fied pro ­fes ­sion ­als who trav ­el and taste dif ­fer ­ent kinds of wines to iden ­ti ­fy as well as dif ­fer ­en ­ti ­ate between them. They also pro ­vide expert advice on how a par ­tic ­u ­lar wine can be brewed. Wine tast ­ing is an art and is con ­sid ­ered to be one of the most skilled as well as reward ­ing off ­beat careers in today’s world. Use ­ful Resources: 7 Steps to Take to Become a Pro ­fes ­sion ­al Wine Taster â€" Man Vs Clock How To Become A Pro ­fes ­sion ­al Wine Taster In The World? â€" Drinkpre ­neur QA How Do You Become an Expert Wine Taster â€" Art or Sci ­ence â€" QA Guides Learn About Wine Tast ­ing â€" Dis ­cov ­er Hob ­by How to Become a Bet ­ter Wine Taster: Train ­ing Your Nose â€" Wine and Words Tattoo Artist When we think of off ­beat careers, becom ­ing a tat ­too artist is def ­i ­nite ­ly part of the list. In fact, tat ­too ­ing is one of the old ­est art forms known to mankind. A tat ­too artist is a pro ­fes ­sion ­al that designs per ­ma ­nent images or words on the skin as per the clien ­t’s request. A tat ­too is cre ­at ­ed by inject ­ing ink under the skin sur ­face by pierc ­ing it in with a small nee ­dle. More ­over, tat ­too artists need to be high ­ly skilled and cre ­ative in their approach. Hence, they need to stay updat ­ed with the lat ­est trends to know what is pop ­u ­lar in the mar ­ket and what the clients want. Use ­ful Resources: How To Become A Tat ­too Artist ? 4 Main Fac ­tors to Con ­sid ­er â€" Wild Tat ­too Art Your Guide To Becom ­ing a Suc ­cess ­ful Tat ­too Artist â€" Ink ­book Tat ­too How to Become a Tat ­too Artist: Career Guide â€" Best Tat ­too Guide How Long Does It Take to Become a Tat ­too Artist? â€" Inside Out 7 Things you should know Before Becom ­ing a Tat ­too Artist. â€" Malan Tat ­too How To Become a Tat ­too Artist In 13 Easy Steps â€" Tat ­too ­ing 101 Food Taster Food tasters, also known as taste testers, spend their day tast ­ing a vari ­ety of food for qual ­i ­ty assur ­ance. This is the per ­fect job for food lovers. Main ­ly because it involves get ­ting paid for eat ­ing all day long. This job involves test ­ing food prod ­ucts for dif ­fer ­ent char ­ac ­ter ­is ­tics like appear ­ance, smell, taste, fla ­vor, as well as the qual ­i ­ty of the ingre ­di ­ents. Use ­ful Resources: 5 Traits of Pro ­fes ­sion ­al Food Tasters â€" Chefs Best Taste Tester Jobs: 6 Ways to Get Paid to Eat â€" Finan ­cial Wolves How to become a Choco ­late Taster in [2020] Salary Career Scope â€" Find Career Info Taste Tester Jobs â€" How To Get Paid To Eat â€" Dad Sense Travel Photographers Trav ­el Pho ­tog ­ra ­phers live the dream life of many peo ­ple. Their job main ­ly involves cap ­tur ­ing dif ­fer ­ent des ­ti ­na ­tions, places, peo ­ple, their lifestyles, etc. Addi ­tion ­al ­ly, trav ­el pho ­tog ­ra ­phers main ­tain a trav ­el blog or web ­site where they doc ­u ­ment all of their jour ­neys. There ­fore, it is the per ­fect job for peo ­ple who have the trav ­el bug. They find this job extreme ­ly sat ­is ­fy ­ing which lets them make a liv ­ing out of doing some ­thing they love. Use ­ful Resources: How I became a trav ­el pho ­tog ­ra ­ph ­er â€" Mel ­lor How to Become a Trav ­el Pho ­tog ­ra ­ph ­er â€" Livekak ­tus How to become a famous Trav ­el Pho ­tog ­ra ­ph ­er â€" Pics of Asia Become A Trav ­el Pho ­tog ­ra ­ph ­er â€" World of Trav ­el Pho ­tog ­ra ­phy Every ­thing You Need To Know About Trav ­el Pho ­tog ­ra ­phers â€" Globo Dai ­ly How to become a trav ­el pho ­tog ­ra ­ph ­er: basic things for your start â€" Octav Cado Voice-Over Artists Voice-over Artists have a real ­ly cool job. They have to read out loud and record a pre-writ ­ten script. The voice record ­ing of the script is then used to order to make a voice record ­ing that will over ­lay a video pro ­duc ­tion. Gen ­er ­at ­ing a strong and clear speak ­ing voice is a vital part of the process of bring ­ing the script to life in the voice-over artist’s nar ­ra ­tion. How ­ev ­er, the spe ­cif ­ic role of voice-over record ­ing changes depend ­ing on the type of video it accom ­pa ­nies. Use ­ful Resources: Guide to Becom ­ing a Voiceover Artist â€" Voice-Over Guy How to Become a Voice Over Artist â€" Avd ­hesh Ton ­dak Top 5 Rea ­sons to Become a Voice-Over Artist â€" Vic ­to ­ria Dean ­da Becom ­ing A Voiceover Artist â€" Damn Good Voic ­es Cartoonist Car ­toon ­ists are cre ­ative artists who cre ­ate ani ­mat ­ed car ­toons man ­u ­al ­ly or on the com ­put ­er. It can be for mag ­a ­zines, news ­pa ­pers, pub ­lish ­ing com ­pa ­nies, tele ­vi ­sion, film stu ­dios, videos, gam ­ing com ­pa ­nies, etc. Their work may also be used in polit ­i ­cal com ­men ­tary, com ­ic strips, instal ­la ­tion guides, as well as user man ­u ­als. How ­ev ­er, peo ­ple often con ­fused car ­toon ­ists with illus ­tra ­tors. A car ­toon ­ist only deals with ani ­mat ­ed char ­ac ­ters, where ­as an illus ­tra ­tor may deal with sev ­er ­al spe ­cial ­ties. Use ­ful Resources: 20 top tips to show you how to become a car ­toon ­ist â€" Pro Car ­toon Doo ­dle ­wala World of an Indi ­an car ­toon ­ist! John Patrick Weiss How to become a car ­toon ­ist â€" ten vital tips - Car ­toon ­ist For Hire Youtuber A Youtu ­ber is a type of video ­g ­ra ­ph ­er who cre ­ates and uploads videos for the video-shar ­ing web ­site YouTube. How ­ev ­er, this is more than just a hob ­by. YouTu ­bers con ­sis ­tent ­ly upload qual ­i ­ty videos with con ­tent that peo ­ple find enter ­tain ­ing, relat ­able as well as engag ­ing. They have to cre ­ate a brand for them ­selves, get ver ­i ­fied, and grow their sub ­scriber count in order to be con ­sid ­ered “estab ­lished”. As a result, YouTube has emerged as a plat ­form for build ­ing a suc ­cess ­ful career for many aspir ­ing artists. Use ­ful Resources: How To Become a YouTu ­ber in 10 Easy Steps â€" Vlog ­ging Guides How to become a suc ­cess ­ful YouTu ­ber top tips, ulti ­mate 15 steps â€" Apsole Become a YouTube Star â€" View ­er ­ship How to Become a YouTu ­ber â€" From Basic to Advanced Steps â€" All About Best How to become a YouTu ­ber / Vlog ­ger? Step By Step Explained â€" Kishore Asokans Fashion Influencer Fash ­ion Influ ­encers are peo ­ple who make a liv ­ing out of cre ­at ­ing fash ­ion con ­tent and have a mas ­sive fol ­low ­ing on social media. As a result, they have the poten ­tial to “influ ­ence” the opin ­ion as well as pur ­chase behav ­ior of their fol ­low ­ers with the rec ­om ­men ­da ­tions they make. In fact, being a fash ­ion influ ­encer is a career that many peo ­ple dream of and now it is pos ­si ­ble to make it a full-time job! Check out these amaz ­ing fash ­ion blogs for fur ­ther read ­ing: The Shopa ­holic Diaries â€" Indi ­an Fash ­ion, Shop ­ping, and Lifestyle Blog! INDIAN FASHION, STYLE BEAUTY BLOG| Gia Says That Indi ­an Beau ­ty, Fash ­ion Lifestyle Blog: Cher ­ry On Top The Girl At First Avenue | Top Indi ­an Fash ­ion Lifestyle Blog Fash ­ion | Beau ­ty | Lifestyle | Fit ­ness | Trav ­el | Blog â€" Angel M Style Being Beau ­ti ­ful and Pret ­ty Say ­eri Diary â€" A Trend To Fol ­low A Style To Love BIG hair LOUD mouth |Indi ­an Street ­style Fash ­ion Blog by Nilu Yuleena Tha ­pa My Fash ­ion Vil ­la: Beau ­ty | Fash ­ion | Lifestyle Blog of India offbeat career optionstop career offbeat options

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