Sunday, December 29, 2019

How to play office politics at work the right way

How to play geschftszimmer politics at work the right wayHow to play office politics at work the right wayIn his bookAdults in the Room, the economist and former Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufakis reflects on an obstacle lots of people face in their jobs Getting other people to go along with their ideas. Working with fellow economists, Varoufakis developed a plan to get the Greek economy out of its cycle of debt with the Eurozone and the International Monetary Fund. But he ultimately failed to gather enough support for these policies to be enacted.One lesson from that experience? Having good ideas and convincing others that your ideas are good as you think they arent isnt enough. What really matters is your ability to navigate your organizations political apparatus. And make no mistake Every organization has one. Playing politics at work isnt a matter of sleazy double dealing, though. Its just about gaining the support of people with the ability to put your ideas into practice. After all, getting a group of people to work together and sweat the details in order to pull off a project successfully takes skill.If you want to improve your organization and make an impact, youll need to master that. Heres the right way to go about it.RelatedFive Strategies Facebook Uses To Minimize Office PoliticsLook for how decisions get made (not just who makes them)Sometimes its obvious who calls the shots. Other times, it isnt. Maybe its not the people with the flashiest titles who are setting the agenda instead, its the key people who influence their choices who have the real power. Theyre the ones who determine the process by which new ideas get filtered up tokey decision makers.Understanding how decisions get made requires a certain degree of access, but a little can go a long way toward providing crucial intel. That means that you want to get yourself invited to meetings where important issues are going to be discussed. If that sounds unlikely, try asking permission to sit in on those talks strictly as an observer,for career-development reasons. After all, you reallyarethere just to learn.Your aim in these meetings is to listen and watch Who talks? Whose words are repeated by others? When someone makes a comment and other key players adopt their way of talking about the issue, you know youre dealing with someone who has quiet influence. You cant even begin to get anyone to pay attention to your own ideas until you know whom to talk to.RelatedHow To Create Your Own Opportunities At WorkBuild up goodwillIdeas are like books. You have to get people to zupflmmel them before they can have any impact. How do people decide what books to buy? They often gravitate toward authors theyve already heard of for some reason. Authors present their work in multiple placesby writing op-eds, getting excerpts published in magazines, going on speaking toursin order to familiarize potential readers with their work and drum up interest in it.Similarly, you cant start cu ltivating people with the power to implement your great idea at the same instant you have that idea if your first interaction with someone is a request for a favor, you cant reasonably expect them to grant it. You have to begin much earlier. From the moment you start any job, you need to develop relationships with people who can help you achieve your goalswhich includes but is definitely not limited to your boss.Get to know the people you work with. Offer to help with projects. Show that youre willing to support the teams or the companys goals. And make sure you actually do a good job with everything you offer to take on (offering to help is one thing actually helping is another). Building up this goodwill gives you social capital to spend when you need it.Find common groundEven if you have good relationships with people who can help you implement an idea, they might not be willing to help. Everyone in an organization has goals theyre trying to achieve. Some might be personal (getti ng a promotion), and some might be organizational (getting a project funded). So while a colleague may offer to help you because they like you or think your idea is brilliant, theyll only do that in the context of the other goalstheyretrying to achieve. And that means you need to find common ground.Learn what key people are working on. Look for ways to make it easy for them to support you, and explain how what youre trying to do also advances whatever theyre hoping to accomplish. You may need to be creative in helping them to see the overlap, but that doesnt mean stretching the truth (suspected bullshittersarenotgenerally successful at working their organizations politics). But you will probably have to show people that theres a way for themto achieve one of their goals in a different way than theyd expected. If you can find common ground in those end goals, you may be able to find flexibility in the getting-there.No matter what, just dont expect anyone to be so blown away by the br illiance of your idea that theyll abandon their own agendas in order to adopt yours.RelatedSix Words And Phrases That Make Everyone Hate Working With YouKnow when to foldPersistence matters, but so does the ability to be realistic about your odds. One of the biggest mistakes people make while trying to negotiate their organizations politics is sticking in the game too long. Sometimes there just isnt a way to get key people to work with you to get your idea across the finish line. Pushing too far past the point of no return can actually hurt your credibility, your career, and your chances the next time youve got an idea you want to win support for.Instead, you have a few options.One is to live to fight another day. If you had one good idea, theres a high probability that youll soon have another. And just because you werent able to get one idea taken up by people with power doesnt mean youll always fail. Continue to develop relationships so that when you have your next stroke of geniu s, you can return and try again.Another option is to move on to someplace where your idea will stand a better chance of gaining traction. You can learn a lot about the values of people and organizations by watching how they make decisions. In the process, you might discover that your values differ enough from those of the people around you that this organization isnt the one where you should be devoting your efforts. Maybe its time tofind someplace where you can engage with people who share your view of the world.In the end, people often grumble about office politics when they dont get what they want. The key is to remember that its really about people. Wherever you go, whatever you do, there will be people you need to convince to come along for the ride.This story was originally published on Fast Company.About the authorArt Markman, PhD is a professor of Psychology and Marketing at the University of Texas at Austin and Founding Director of the Program in the Human Dimensions of Org anizations. Art is the author ofSmart ThinkingandHabits of Leadership,Smart Change, and most recently,Brain Briefs, co-authored with hisTwo Guys on Your Headco-host Bob Duke, which focuses on how you can use the science of motivation to change your behavior at work and at home.MoreStories You Might Also Like From Fast CompanyHow To Protect Your Work Culture When Political Correctness Is Under FireHow Political Metaphors Are Subtly Impacting Your Decision MakingHow Anger Wrecks Organizations

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

The Unreliable Narrator in Fiction

The Unreliable Narrator in FictionThe Unreliable Narrator in FictionIn fiction, as in life, an unreliable narratoris a character who canleid be trusted. Either from ignorance or self-interest, this narrator speaks with a bias, makes mistakes, or even lies. Part of the pleasure and challenge of these first-person stories is working out the truth and understanding why the narrator is not straightforward. It also can be a tool a writer uses to create an aura of authenticity in his work. The term originates from Wayne C. Booths 1961 Rhetoric of Fiction, and though it is a key component of modernism, unreliable narratives are found in classics like Wuthering Heights, throughboth Lockwood and Nelly Dean, and Jonathan Swifts Gullivers Travels. The Unintentionally Unreliable Many stories presented in the first-person point of view are told by a child or an outsider who believes he is telling the complete truth. The reader, though, quickly learns the narrator is not fully aware of the cir cumstances around them.This is the case, for example, with the protagonist of J.D. Salingers The Catcher in the Rye, Holden Caulfield, and with Scout, the narrator in Harper Lees To Kill a Mockingbird. The unintentionally unreliable narrator invites the reader to think beyond the writing and to become an adult observer. What is really going on in Holden Caulfields life? Is he truly the only non-phony in a world of liars? What is Scout really seeing when she describes the behavior of her teachers, classmates, and father? This device gives the reader insight and perspective into how the narrator views the world. The Intentionally Unreliable While unintentionally unreliable narrators can be endearing and naive, intentionally unreliable narrators often arefrightening. Typically, such characters have sinister motives, ranging from guilt, as in the case of Nabokovs Lolita, to insanity, as in the case of Edgar Allen Poes short story The Tell-Tale Heart. Some of the most interesting use s of intentionally unreliable narrators are in the mystery genre. Why might the narrator of a mystery story be intentionally unreliable? Most likely because he or she has something to hide. Such stories are especially intriguing because when they are well done, the reader is completely unaware of the narrators true character. Creating an Unreliable Narrator A key reason to use anunreliable narrator is to create a work of fiction with multiple layers with competing levels of truth. Sometimes the narrators unreliability is made immediately evident. For instance, a story may open with the narrator making a plainly false or delusional claim or admitting to being severely mentally ill. A more dramatic use of the device delays the revelation until near the storys end. Such atwist endingforces readers to reconsider theirpoint of viewand experience of the story. For this writing mechanism to be effective, readers must be able to discern more than one level of truth. While your narrator might be an unreliable source of information, it is absolutely essential that you, the writer, understand and eventually reveal the reality behind the misleading words. It is essential for readers to be able to recognize the narrators unreliability and the reality that is being hidden.

Friday, December 20, 2019

Happy Fourth of July The Top Jobs in the 13 Original Colonies

Happy Fourth of July The Top Jobs in the 13 Original ColoniesHappy Fourth of July The Top Jobs in the 13 Original ColoniesEach July fourth Americans join together to BBQ, set off fireworks, and celebrate American independence. We do this to commemorate the patriots of the original 13 original colonies who stood up against tyranny and battled to found their own nation, based on the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.To celebrate the enduring legacy of those 13 original colonies, we will highlight the top opportunities each of those states offer today.PennsylvaniaTruck driverCustomer service representativeInsurance salesOccupational therapistabverkauf associateDelawareBusiness analystCustomer service representativeOccupational therapistProject managerSecurity officerRhode IslandCustomer service representativeRecruiterTruck driverausverkauf associateAccount executiveMassachusettsSoftware engineerSales associateRecruiterFinancial analystPhysical therapistVirginiaTruck d riverPhysical therapistOccupational therapistSales associateSoftware engineerConnecticutNurse practitionerPhysical assistantTruck driverSales associatePhysicianGeorgiaTruck driverSales associateCustomer service representativePhysical therapistProject managerNew HampshireOutside sales associatePhysical therapistCustomer service representativeCashierPhysicianNew YorkTelemarketingCustomer service representativeAdministrative assistantSales associateStore managerNew Jersey Occupational therapistCustomer service representativesTruck driverProject managerRegistered nurseMarylandSport coachSoftware engineerTruck driverPhysical therapistSales associateNorth CarolinaRegistered nurseOccupational therapistInsurance agentSales associateTruck driverSouth CarolinaCustomer service representativeTruck driverNurse practitionerInsurance agentSales associate

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Improved self-awareness can make you a better leader

Improved self-awareness can make you a better leaderImproved self-awareness can make you a better leaderMost leaders believe they know themselves much better than they actually do. Thats the problem with self-awareness?- It has several benefits, but few people enjoy them.Self-awareness has a mora positive impact on your leadership ability than an MBA. Self-awareness is directly correlated with team performance, according to abedrngnisher study. A high level of self-awareness bedrngnis only contributes to career success and effective leadership?- ?it also improves your bottom line.Yet self-awareness landseems to be in short supply. A global study by the Hay Group showed that 19 percent of women executives demonstrated self-awareness, compared to 4 percent of their male counterparts.Self-awareness can be developed but is anything but easy.It requires us to be brave and vulnerable to face what we dont know we dont know about ourselves. We must dig deeper than we are used to?- ?personali ty assessments, EQ tests, or 360 assessments, to name a few?- ?just scratch the surface.We tend to overintellectualize how we approach emotions-management at work. Improving self-awareness is an emotional journey?- ?a tough and rewarding one. Here are some recommendations based on my research and consulting.1. OwnItMost leaders have a hard time being vulnerable in front of their teams. Behind the scenes, they are okay confiding with me?- ?they open up and share their fears and doubts. But, once they are on stage, they filter their emotions and feelings.Thats a huge paradox. Not only because being vulnerable sets the right example, but also because people already know what their leaders try to hide.Our society idealizes leaders weve turned into superheroes. Its natural to think we must perform to fill those expectations?- ?everyone feels forced to be flawless, not human.People already know your flaws and weaknesses?- ?they see more than you think. Theres no point in hiding who you ar e. Own itThere are two types of self-awareness, according to organizational psychologist Tasha Eurich Internal and External. Internal self-awareness means we can clearly see our own values, passions, thoughts, feelings, and emotions. External self-awareness is clearly seeing how others see us.Self-awareness isnt one truth. Its a delicate balance of two distinct, even competing, viewpoints.?- ?Tasha EurichTo be a great leader, internal self-awareness is not enough you must manage both?- ?actively work on both seeing yourself clearly and getting feedback to understand how others see you.Power blind us, as I wrote here. Seek honest feedback from loving critics avoid those who praise or hate you.2. Make Time forPracticeSelf-awareness is a continuous discipline. Practice helps you improve when we stop practicing, we lose self- knowledge.Most teams I work with have a hard time dealing with change. Their leaders are frustrated by the resistance from their teams. However, theres a common th eme companies expect people to embrace change, but they dont prepare them to be more open to experimentation.In most disciplines, people rehearse before they perform in real life. Artists and athletes practice most of their time and then play. In the world of business is the other way around?- ?people are playing constantly and leave little room for practice.If you want your team to become more self-aware, you must create space for regular preparation. Self-awareness requires a structured and ongoing practice.3. Dont Fail Fast, FailSmartMistakes are not just important, but a necessary step toward innovation. To get your new product right, you have to fail several times first. Fail fast has become a motto that can be as dangerous as resisting failure. We shouldnt celebrate making mistakes, but the lessons.Failing smart means coming away with clarity and wisdom?- ?youve learned what works and what doesnt work.Fail early in the process?- ?youll save money and resources. Fail frequently ?- ?learn from each iteration. But, fail differently?- ?dont repeat the same mistake, make new ones. Dont fail until you make it?- ?sometimes, you just have to give up and move on to a different initiative.To fail smart requires having perspective?- ?learn from present mistakes, but also to observe things through times.Peter printer wrote, Whenever you make a decision or take a key decision, write down what you expect will happen. Nine or 12 months later, compare the results with what you expected. He called this self-reflection process feedback analysis and believed it was the only way to discover our strengths.4. Lead In WhitewaterSelf-awareness increases confidence?- ?we become comfortable with being uncomfortable. An uncertain and fast-changing reality requires leaders to think on their feet. Thats critical to thriving in permanent whitewater.In his book Managing as a Performing Art, Peter Vaill introduces an interesting metaphor for the change, uncertainty, and turbulence that characterizes most business environments permanent whitewater. Most managers are taught that leading is like paddling a canoe on a calm lake?- ?they can go where they want and always be in control. Disruptions are seen as temporary?- ?theyll be soon back in a calm lake.However, as the author explains, we never get out of the rapids we are continually experiencing upset and chaos. To lead in permanent whitewater, we must adapt, improvise and experiment. Increased self-awareness helps leaders to effectively deal with reality rather than fighting uncertainty.As Peter Drucker said, The greatest danger in times of turbulence is not the turbulence it is to act with yesterdays logic.5. Make Your TeamAwareEffective leaders are not just self-aware they promote that same practice within their teams. Theres no point having some members with high self-awareness and others that are clueless. The biggest challenge is understanding that this practice cannot be forced. The more you push people, the more they will shut down emotionally.Start small by creating self-awareness rituals. Initially, its more important to make people feel comfortable than to make real progress. If it happens, great. But creating a habit matters more than changing everyone overnight.Team awareness is critical to improving collective performance. Teams with high self-awareness make better decisions, interact better with each other, and manage tensions and conflicts more effectively.Understanding how you operate collectively is the key benefit of team awareness?- ?you try to uncover the collective blind spots, not just individual ones.Team retrospectives are an effective way to reflect on how your team is playing and how to improve its game. Usually, retrospectives are based on a specific project. Either reserve some time to reflect on the overall mindsets and behaviors or hold a retrospective that is not project-based but team-focused.A team offsite is an excellent option to spend time together, to kno w each other better, reflect on how the team is collaborating, and experiment with new mindsets and ways of working. Remember, making room for practice is essential to improve self-awareness both individually and collectively.Developing accountability duos, mapping the strength of team relationships, acknowledging ones kryptonite and superpowers, or promoting ongoing feedback are effective practices for people to understand the team better.Turn self-awareness into a collective journey?- ?let the whole team experience the transformation together.There Are No ShortcutsSelf-awareness is not a magical solution, but it can make a difference.An MIT study showed how improves self-awareness has help CEOs learn to identify their outlier tendencies and adjusted their behavior to change perception. They didnt undergo an entire personality overhaul though but learned how to be themselves in a wiser way.Increased self-awareness is about becoming the perfect leader, but to know how to use?- ?or n ot?- ?certain aspects to your advantage.No matter how much progress you make, theres always more to learn about yourself. Being self-aware is a journey, not a status.We are all more unaware than unaware. To lead others, we must learn to lead ourselves first.This article was originally published by Medium.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

The Single Best Approach You Should Be Using for Latin Honors on Resume Exposed

The Single Best Approach You Should Be Using for Latin Honors on Resume Exposed How to Find Latin Honors on Resume Online So, as soon as a recruiter is looking through a resume, they might realize that candidates are almost equally nice and suitable for a specific job. Tell us why youre a strong candidate. Alas, many job applicants dont provide that same degree of care to their education section. Especially whenever there are countless different applicants with similar qualifications and abilities. There are a number of different kinds of special recognitions you may include on your resume. Also, a number of us coming from other backgrounds might have names which is tough to identify with in terms of our genders. In addition, if you become asked details about coursework from years before, you can fail your own resume test that is an instantaneous no-hire for many interviewers. The accomplishments that you select to grow your resume have to be relevant to the work vacancy youre applying to or relate in some way to the business or specific business. Definitions of Latin Honors on Resume Read my essay writing service reviews and my guide to selecting the ideal service for everything you want to understand about how to select the best writing businesses. Its possible to go to Commencement Site for more info. Once you locate a service you prefer, dont neglect to look at my review of it. In summary, the service exists, so should you need to use it in order to find a top essay, thats reason enough. New Questions About Latin Honors on Resume You should tailor the education section of your resume to satisfy your circumstances, including whether you continue to be a student, how much work experience that you have, and the number of academic achievements youve got. In both of behauptung circumstances, dont list the graduate level. By way of example, military distinction. In this kind of instance, set the education last. For those who have plenty of work ex perience, its wise to incorporate any expert awards on your resume to emphasize the fact your work was recognized for its excellence in a particular field. When you have 2-3 decades of work experience, it is the right time to eliminate your GPA from your resume. Details about your trip experience will present your future employers your capacity to depart from your comfort zone and continue being independent. If you arent a student and have more relevant work experience, you wont be trying hard to fill space and it might be more beneficial to concentrate on other regions of your resume. Get the Scoop on Latin Honors on Resume Before Youre Too Late Were proud to provide our students the chance to distinguish themselves academically, which will enable them achieve their long-term career objectives. If you are now in college or will soon be graduating, these tips will be able to help you determine whether to include your GPA on your resume, and show you where and how to correctly include it. Honors colleges are typically the perfect learning setting for ambitious university students, but there are a few possible disadvantages that students should know of. For instance, the honors bachelors degree in the usa is an exceptional study program which is different from the bachelors degree with honours in the uk and a number of other Commonwealth countries. Education counts as a 2nd major. Receiving a financial award is absolutely worth trying and is among the principal advantages of graduating from high school with honors. Because grades arent official and the term isnt completed until after commencement, the present term grades arent taken into account when recognizing Latin Honors at commencement. For instance, if you are not pleased with your GPA, leave it out, but dont make this up. If youre listing your important GPA, as opposed to your general GPA, make certain that you label this clearly. If thats the case, just incorporate the GPA beside your honors, in parenthesis. Dont forget, looking good on paper is simply step one. During job applications, many businesses are still sticking to the standard technique of reading resumes. There are times that you want just a little something extra. Owning and growing a company is a sizable undertaking that will demand plenty of your time and energy.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

The New Angle On Resume Writing Tips for Freshers Pdf Just Released

The New Angle On Resume Writing Tips for Freshers Pdf Just Released Resume writing for freshers is frequently a difficult task as theres no experience to showcase. A Resume is similar to a brochure which speaks about your qualifications, achievements and skills which is appropriate for the job youre applying. However much or what kind of work experience youve got, theres a resume format that is likely to make your qualifications shine. Resume writing or searching for a correct resume format is supposed to be among the most important responsibilities that you encounter once your school year ends. Most Noticeable Resume Writing Tips for Freshers Pdf Functional resumes are advised to be in a page. Format creatively Make usage of bullet points in the work description. Have a peek at these examples to choose which format is ideal for you. Whether youre experienced or inexperienced, its always important to get a concise Resume Format. The Upside to Resume Writing Tips for Fre shers Pdf Possessing a photograph on your resume is recommended. After you have done that, youre all set. You will discover one-page resume pdf together with Word files. Although PDFs are somewhat more secure and look the exact same on every computer, some employers utilize ATS software that finds it more difficult to read PDF files. So, a succinct document is definitely better. Moreover, if you dont wish to make your own template, there are dozens and dozens of free downloadable resume templates online.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

The What Should My Resume Look like Game

The What Should My Resume Look like Game Introducing What Should My Resume Look like Therefore, its much better to adjust your resume to every particular job opening. Both are necessary if you are asking for a client-facing position. If your title is precisely the same at two distinct companies it starts to build credibility you can do the job, especially if the work title is just like the one in the work description. Whats the work title, responsibilities, who youd report to, whod report to you. New Ideas Into What Should My Resume Look like Never Before Revealed Unless youre an expert graphic designer, your resume does not have to look like it was made by a group of creatives. A resume would be a perfect place to share you have other skills which can help you learn to operate that desired software or technology quickly after you have the job. You presently have the skills you must compose an excellent resume. Writing a resume for employment in the art industry can be di fficult. The Fight Against What Should My Resume Look like So before you begin writing, make some notes on your intended companies and what theyre searching for. Be specific, and offer relevant statistics wherever you may. While a resume image could be the norm in different parts of the planet, there isnt any demand for a picture on your resume in the usa. Take a look at the one which youve been using, maybe even for a couple of years now. What Should My Resume Look like - Dead or Alive? Bear in mind, based on the field youre applying in, you will need to use not just project management keywords, but industry particular keywords also. A specialist summary sits at the peak of your resume beneath your header. One of your major goals with writing a resume is to create the document simple to read. When you format your resume you wish to make certain your leave enough margin space to permit for printing. How it appears like its a mixture of chronological and functional resume formats. Most times youre going to be provided a deadline for when youve got to have the coding challenge done by. There are two basic resume formats to select from, and each serves a different sort of job seeker. Resume creation software is fantastic in the feeling it provides you with a starting point. Being very explicit with what youve accomplished is the perfect way to communicate on your resume. Getting in a position to organize and prioritize the work will help save you a good deal of time and most significantly, it gives you the ability to obtain trust and buy-in. Employers are searching for concrete skills. Applicants who want to relocate for a work often decide to include their present mailing address, but otherwise, its up to you whether to incorporate an address. Sometimes job seekers wish to highlight their preferred job or they need to reveal the most significant job title in which they have had at the top. They deserve to find good content quickly. The K ey to Successful What Should My Resume Look like If youre wondering what things to have in your manager resume, allow the work description be your guide. If you dont have a contact name, call the organization to discover the name and title of the individual who is doing the hiring (be sure to acquire the right spelling of the name). Be certain your resume is attractive, make certain its related to the job, ensure youve got traditional format and be certain to use terminology that paints you as a valuable contributor to the firm. It is possible to discover several great examples on the www that can help you make an effective objective statement that specifically says the sort of job that you would like. You can likewise be the one which takes care of an issue or makes a repair. Women and men that are into hormone replacement therapy or steroidal medication may also gain a good deal of weight. You also have to chat about past experience. Only go back further in case you have earlier experience that is immensely relevant. My capacity to understand my customers needs and work with a wide array of professionals from a number of diverse sectors has been key to my success in assisting clients to maximise their private recovery and ability to manage their own lives. You might need to adjust the description based on the business or job. The health care industry can be quite competitive. Distinct kinds of work in the food service industry require resumes with several of the very same skills. Victoria McLean Again, the target of the resume is to become invited to the very first round of interviews. Under each work title is a brief description that explains Alexs responsibilities in that specific function. The target of the resume is to earn a very good impression in order to receive invited to a very first round of interviews. The aim of your resume is to secure you the interview. At times you can create your resume general to a sort of role within an industry, but it depends how badly you want the job that you are applying for. To create a resume you will need to understand the prerequisites of the perspective employer for that specific job profile. Maybe youre interested in a particular industry. If youre attempting to acquire work in accounting or finance you require averystrong resume. Attempt not to go over two pages, even if youve got plenty of experience. Loving is inclusive thats among the principal differences. Whether the love relationship is all about friends, loved ones, or lovers, the fundamental tenets are the exact same.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Writing a Great Internship or Job Resume

Writing a Great Internship or Job ResumeWriting a Great Internship or Job ResumeMany college students procastinate when writing a resume simply because they are not sure exactly where to start. Freshmen and sophomore students may worry that they have limited information to include on a resume while seniors may worry that employers will not be sufficiently impressed by their academics and internships. Start the Resume Strong Since most employers will skim a resume in less than 10 seconds, applicants must immediately catch the attention of the reviewer to be shortlisted and selected for an interview. A combination of impressive content, attractive formatting, a strong mission statement, and clear bullet points that highlight what the employer is looking for are hallmarks of a strong resume. Most importantly, one resume does not fit all, and your resume should be tailored for each application. At the top of your resume, include all of your personal information and provide a strong m ission statement that highlights your professional goals. You can highlight pertinent information in a larger font to make it stand out. Tailor Your Resume Resumes tailored to the needs of the employer and that directly address the internship or job requirements are most likely to receive further consideration. Show your knowledge of the relevant industry, and showcase your skills and accomplishments that are a good match for the employer. Craft a Relevant Experience section on your resume that is just that, relevant to the job or internship to which you are applying, and include everything you have done in that area - coursework, jobs, internships, volunteer experiences, community tafelgeschirr projects. Use Concise Language Be specific in describing your experiences. Avoid clichs such as responsibilities or duties included on the resume, and get to the point by concisely describing your experience. Begin each phrase with an action verb (assisted, performed, created), avoid the use of personal pronouns (I, me, you, they, their) and articles (a, an, the), and use a consistent tense. Proofread Your Resume Any spelling or grammatical errors are likely to eliminate your application from further consideration. A resume is one of the most important documents you will write and, as such, it requires a high level of attention to detail. How you approach your resume is an indicator of how you will approach your role as an intern or employee. Ask others, including professionals and career counselors, to review your resume before sending it out. Be Honest Most employers perform background and reference checks. If you fabricate or embellish information, an employer will find out, and you will not be considered. Focus on your strengths and find creative ways to tackle any shortcomings. Think about what makes you unique and why that could be of benefit to an employer - that one attribute might be what attracts a recruiters attention. Quantify Your Succes ses and Achievements Your value to an employer is validated by indicators of success. For example, writing increased sales on the previous year by 30 percent gives employers a tangible example of your capabilities. If you can, quantify your achievements using dollar amounts, percentages, and achievements against set targets. Place Your Degree at The Top of Your Resume As a student or new graduate, include your education immediately following the heading on your resume because this has been your focus most recently. After a few years in the workforce, list your degrees or education section to the bottom of your resume. Include the anthroponym and location of the college or university you attended along with your degree, major/minor, grade point average (if it is high), honors and awards, and anything else that would show your dedication and achievement during your studies. Include References and a Professional Portfolio Often references are not submitted until the employer a sks for them. More recently, many employers who prefer to have references and portfolios(if applicable) submitted along with the resume. When asking for a reference, be sure to ask the person if they feel they know you well enough to supply an excellent reference. You can create a second page to include with your resume that lists your references name, title, organization, phone, and email address. Be sure to ask permission before submitting the names of any references. Use an Attractive Format Dont pack too much information into your resume because your strengths will be lost in the text. Use the cover letter to add further information. If your resume looks too sparse, try adding coursework, volunteer work, co-curricular, or any specialized skills such as computer savviness or a foreign language. As a college student, keep your resume to one page.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Make a Personal Branding Statement

Make a Personal Branding StatementMake a Personal Branding StatementWhether youre a soon-to-be graduate embarking on a job search or an experienced professional looking for a change, you may have discovered this about the finance and accounting job market You can put your all your credentials and employment history in your resume and cover letter, but when it comes to the rest of your story, you need a personal branding statement. Its a story hiring managers want to hear. Fifty-four percent of the CFOs interviewed in a Robert Half Finance Accounting survey said they give equal weight to both specialized and nontechnical skills when evaluating candidates for staff-level accounting and finance positions.Read mora about the survey in this Technically Speaking infographic.Theyre looking for more than skill sets. Your personal/professional brand also involves your experience, where youve worked, your career aspirations, your industry and your social involvement. In other words, your pers onal branding statement combines your resume and goals, and brings them to life for your job search.Whats challenging is finding the best way to present such a complete picture of yourself. Making a personal brand statement that covers it all is worth your time investment. So what do you need to do to create this as you gear up for your job search?1. Know yourself - and who you want to beCreating a personal brand is essentially establishing a reputation that youll then market. So the first step is to decide who you are and who you want to be. It may help to think in terms of adjectives. What do you want to be known as? Hardworking? Approachable? Analytical? Dependable? Innovative? Adaptable? A leader? A visionary? Someone who instinctively sees the big picture? The clearer picture you have of what you want to be, the stronger your personal brand will be - and the more youll impress hiring managers.Also ask yourself how your view of yourself matches up with how others see you. Pers onal branding is the art and science of working to make these two perceptions line up exactly. One way to understand how others view you is to ask yourself What is it that coworkers ask of you, in terms of advice? What positive reinforcement have you received in wertmiger zuwachs reviews? Is there feedback youre getting that doesnt quite line up with the self-image you want to present? If so, adjust and improve your performance until the outside perceptions align more closely with your own.2. Start selling a product youPersonal branding is essentially establishing a reputation that you can market online, with social media, blogs and other forms of virtual communication that you can use to display your career goals, successful projects and industry connections.Youre likely to find a receptive audience with this content. In addition to matching candidates professional qualities with the job description, hiring managers are looking to match personality traits with the corporate culture at their organizations.When you gear up to hit the job market, take a step back and consider how you want to market yourself in your application. Have you historically been a loyal employee? A trendsetter? Think about how you add value to your team and your company, and identify the skills and attributes your coworkers rely on that you bring to each project. Highlight these qualities when you draft your personal brand statement.3. Make sure the stars alignOne way to present yourself strategically is to make sure you create consistent profiles on social media that present the brand you want to showcase. Scrutinize your head shots and messages to make sure they are consistent, from LinkedIn to facebook inc to Twitter. Social media platforms are excellent forums for networking, so list your interests, career aspirations, industry experience and community involvement, in addition to your skills. Just make sure to optimize your profiles and keep your personal brand consistent.If youve s et your sights on a senior-level finance career or CFO role, you may want to portray yourself as a thought leader. So be sure to produce and display original research, follow and comment on important industry trends, and build a strong reputation by becoming an active member of the finance community. You might even want to build your own website, with a blog that showcases your expertise in your profession.When you search for your name online, the search results should present you in a professional light and tell a cohesive narrative. Weve all heard stories about reputations hurt by inadvertent missives on social media. In finance and accounting, youre dealing with your companys or your clients money, and that alone may nudge them to do a Google search for you. Be certain that none of your posted content is offensive or makes you appear as anything less than a mature professional. Keep your personal brand intact by setting your privacy settings so only close friends can view your po litical opinions and out-of-office antics.4. Enliven your resumeDeveloping a brand is a good way to emphasize and support the declarations you make in your resume. If you say you have strategic-thinking strengths or excellent report-writing skills, then establish examples throughout your online presence. As far as your resume and cover letter, showcase your written communication skills and attention to detail by making sure these documents are error-free, clear, concise and aesthetically pleasing. Promising to wow your new employers with innovative presentations while submitting a poorly formatted cover letter full of clichs wont impress anyone.In accounting and finance, it takes more than just a solid background to succeed. A personal branding statement can help you stand out from the crowd by telling your story to prospective employers that youre one of a kind. An accounting and finance career may begin with your diploma, but personal branding will take you to the next level.Once youve designed your personal branding statement, its time to make it part of your daily actions. Practice presenting yourself in person the way you want to be seen. That is, bring your brand to life.Our connections. Your personal branding. Let us help you find the right job. WORK WITH OUR RECRUITERS

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Writing a Finance Resume

Writing a Finance Resume Writing a Finance Resume Finance  is a competitive field thanks to the prestige and high pay that accompany many positions, meaning that a job seeker would need an outstanding finance resume to get noticed.  The finance industry is made up of sectors including banking, asset management, venture capital, insurance, and others. Beyond the obvious factors- such as attending an exceptional school, getting great grades, choosing the right field of study, and landing a coveted summer internship- what should a finance resume include? Accomplishments While focusing on achievements over responsibilities is good advice for job seekers in any field, it is especially important for those seeking a career in finance, which is a competitive industry that prioritizes data and results. Consider a resume showing a proven, quantifiable track record of success a necessity. Accomplishments that can be backed up with numbers include ones related to budget management, increasing efficiency, increasing earnings, reducing costs, training or building teams or departments, works published or presented, and more. Skills and licenses Finance positions tend to require applicants to have advanced knowledge of Excel, plus experience with other specialized tools based on the role (for example, accounting roles will ask for experience with QuickBooks, NetSuite, or similar products). Instead of just claiming advanced Excel skills, as is common, job seekers should spell out  on their resumes what they can do in Excel. Adding specifics such as HLOOKUP and VLOOKUP, or pricing stock options with the Black-Scholes Formula, can help get a resume noticed by an applicant tracking system or a human hiring manager. PowerPoint skills can be nearly as desirable Excel skills. Many jobs in finance require specific licenses or certifications, and for the sake of clarity,  these belong under a header separate from technical skills. According to a study on recruiter behavior by  TheLadders, recruiters spend 6 seconds reviewing each individual resume- thus  all information needs to be relevant and easy to find.  There are numerous examinations  administered  by Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA), and many finance positions require candidates to have passed one or more of them. Series 7 and Series 63 are among the most common. Though it may be tempting to save space by using abbreviations, dont rely on abbreviations alone- they arent always recognized by applicant tracking systems. Be sure to spell things out, and, to make sure all bases are covered, try to include a second mention that is abbreviated. Keywords Kim Isaacs, a resume expert with, has compiled an extensive list of keywords for reference for anyone writing a finance resume. Useful for a wide range of positions, it includes titles, certifications, tools, tasks, and more. GAAP, value-added analysis, PL management, and data warehouse reporting are just a few of the entries. In finance, as in all fields, it is important to pay attention to a particular job listing when choosing specific resume keywords. The presence of the right keywords is largely what gets a resume noticed by an applicant tracking system. Format Bold, attention-getting resume formats are suitable for some fields, but finance is not one of them. Colorful and unique resumes are best used in creative fields such as graphic design, or at companies with distinctly open-minded and creative  cultures. (For example, an internal applicant at Zappos successfully submitted her resume in cake form.) Sleek and traditional is the way to go when applying for jobs in finance.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Customize this Outstanding Secretary Resume Sample

Customize this Outstanding Secretary Resume Sample Customize this Outstanding Secretary Resume Sample Create Resume Objective: To get a position as Secretary and to gain further experience in this field.Experience Summary:Handled various secretarial tasks with efficiencyIntroduced work process that improved productivityShowed diligence in handling sensitive tasksProfessional Experience:Secretary, July 20XX to PresentABC Computer Hardware, IllinoisHandled customer queries, correspondence and phone requestsPlaced order for office supplies and office equipmentMaintained customer database and supervised condition of regularly used office equipmentRecorded customer details, order details and supervised delivery of hardware to customersReceptionist, July 20XX to August 20XXOcean Shipping Inc, IllinoisHandled phone calls and enquiriesScheduled appointments with clientsMaintained daily employee time sheetEducation20XX 20XX Haddows Secretarial Course, IllinoisCompleted a Comprehensive Secretarial CourseSkillsFast TypingKnowledge in using Word and Excel. Able to quickly learn new software pa ckagesReferencesFurnished upon requestCustomize Resume

Monday, November 18, 2019

A therapists tips for recognizing your own toxic behavior

A therapist's tips for recognizing your own toxic behavior A therapist's tips for recognizing your own toxic behavior Toxic  relationships aren’t as saucy and exciting as  Britney Spears  made them out to be. Being able to distinguish whether a relationship is noxious - Is your partner  gaslighting  you? Are they a  narcissist? - is actually vital to your safety and mental health. But statistically, not  everyone  can be on the receiving end of harmful actions: Many of us have problematic habits ourselves (though hopefully, they don’t equate to emotional or psychological abuse). Toxic behavior manifests in many different forms, some more severe than others, so SoCal-based psychotherapist and  Prospect Therapy  owner Sara Stanizai is here to help us spot ours and then put a stop to them.1. Get feedback from your loved onesWarning: This step is the hardest, so don’t stop reading just yet. Because honest introspection is so difficult, hearing firsthand from a person you may be hurting (whether they’re a family member, S.O., friend) about how you’re hurting them is the most direct way to dis cern your toxic habits. But you need to make it safe and comfortable for them to do so. It’s a significant step that you’re even indicating a desire to adjust your behavior, so that should be a cue to them that it’s okay to discuss this topic with you.“It’s up to them to speak up, but it’s also up to you to make it safe for them to speak up,” Stanizai tells us. “The number one way to do this is not to be defensive. Even if it’s an ‘ouch’ when they say something.”Instead, for the most productive results, process the information they’re providing you, and then express your feelings and reactions at a later time.“It takes some time because they may still be hesitant, especially if you have a habit of exploding or shutting down,” Stanizai says. “But as they see you genuinely be open to what they say, they are more likely to say it in the future and will be kind about saying it too.”2. Be open to others’ inputStanizai suggests joining a healthy relatio nships group (“I know, not for everyone,” she adds) or reading topical books. Her fave is  How to Be an Adult  by David Richo. The healthy relationships groups - which can be mixed-gender, single-gender, or religious- or age-specific, according to the therapist - cover subjects such as anger management, healthy boundaries, sex and intimacy, and finances.“What’s nice about groups is that those with more experience can help people less familiar with a topic,” Stanizai encourages. “That way, when someone with experience calls you out on your toxic behavior, you’re more likely to hear it because you’ve built a trusting relationship with that person.”Whether the advice or constructive criticism is from an author or another member of your therapy group, outsiders can typically offer a more objective perspective on a situation with “no skin off their back,” Stanizai explains, unlike a person being directly affected by your behavior.3. Start walking the walkNow that you’ve pinpointed your harmful habits, it’s time to address them. To start, this simply means making up for them - and going all out.“I’m talking, the cheesiest, most romantic things you can think of,” Stanizai says. “But make sure it’s something they would want. Some people don’t like you touching their car!”She proposes gestures such as preparing meals, buying flowers, and thanking them for everything they do for you. “It will feel silly, but it will also send a message that you’re willing to do what it takes.”Once you’ve incorporated these actions into your routine, they will likely stay there. However, the specifics of how to correct your problematic behavior (e.g., passive aggression, being controlling, being manipulative) will be on a case-by-case basis.This article was originally posted on Brit + Co.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Being a Music Supervisor

Being a Music Supervisor Being a Music Supervisor Music supervisors place music in media such as movies, television shows, video games, and commercials. They work with studios, musicians and their representatives to select appropriate music, and then secure the licenses to use it. The nature of the work makes being a music supervisor a high-stress job at times and a music supervisors pay is based on a projects budget. Music Supervisor Job Basics To understand this career, consider a music supervisor working on a movie production. First, she meets with the production team to find out what kind of music the movie needs. The producers may have specific tracks in mind or they may just have a general idea of the kind of music or feel they want. The supervisor then finds appropriate music and begins the licensing process. There may be several licenses needed per song, and the final approval cannot come until filming is complete. Music supervisors often have a small window of time to secure licensing ahead of a movies release date. Music Supervisor Salary Music supervisors typically earn flat fees for their work. The amount of money they earn is based on the size of project budgets. Most television music supervisors, for instance, get paid a few thousand per episode, while the most sought-after music supervisors earn upwards of $200,000 for their services for major movie productions. Music supervisors sometimes negotiate royalties on soundtracks and receive bonuses if the productions on which they work surpass pre-determined earnings thresholds. How to Become a Music Supervisor Like most music careers, there isnt a clear path to becoming a music supervisor. Some aspiring music supervisors take classes to become knowledgeable about music licensing rules, so to that end, music business classes can help. They may also seek music industry internship opportunities to learn the ropes, make connections and get paying work. Up-and-coming music supervisors often start out by taking low and non-paying? jobs to build their portfolios. Many music supervisors work as freelancers, so portfolios show their experience to prospective clients. Hardest Part of the Music Supervisor Job Music supervisors handle tough negotiations. Even films with multi-million-dollar budgets tend to earmark only a small amount of money for music. The musicians and rights holders usually believe that studios can pay a lot more for music, so they tend to set their prices high. In the middle is the music supervisor, who has to find a plan that works for both sides. If that isnt a tough enough position to be in, negotiations cannot conclude until a movie has wrapped. Further, each piece of music requires multiple licenses. Because of movie release dates, the turnaround time for a music supervisors work can be extremely tight. The turnaround for television productions can be even tighter. The tense negotiations and tight deadlines are not for the faint of heart, but these are the parts of the job where music supervisors earn their stripes. Those who lead a few high-profile projects to a  successful conclusion often have long and lucrative careers.

Friday, November 15, 2019

5 Reasons Your Boss Is Acting Weird and Mean - The Muse

5 Reasons Your Boss Is Acting Weird and Mean - The Muse 5 Reasons Your Boss Is Acting Weird and Mean One day you’re meeting your boss after work for happy hour drinks, the next, you’re trying to recover from yet another one of his diatribes. It’s true that work’s gotten busier in recent weeks, but you’re keeping up and more than meeting expectations. You, therefore, have no idea why your previously friendly manager has suddenly started pulling rank, treating you with less than respect, or acting completely standoffish. While being in a consistent good mood’s unrealistic, dealing with someone’s ups-and-downs is never any fun. Instead of freaking out that you’re about to lose your job because your supervisor’s decided overnight he doesn’t like you or the work you’ve been doing, slow down, take a step back, and recognize that there’s probably a bigger picture at play here. In fact, your manager might be dealing with any number of stressful things that are now trickling down to you in his tone or attitude. Such as: 1. She Got Negative Feedback You can’t remember the last time she cracked a joke, and while she’s not exactly known as the office comedian, she does have a quick wit. But these days, she barely registers a smile. Her focused and withdrawn attitude, while out of character, is not an attack on you. Her weirdness is not a result of anything you did or said (particularly if you haven’t received any recent criticisms on your work), but, rather, a result of something not-so-great going on with her. Getting a poor performance assessment or a talking-to from one of the higher-ups is one viable explanation. Assuming her attitude will pass, occupy yourself with co-workers who are feeling good about life. Don’t make the mistake of getting bogged down in her discontentment. 2. His Boss Is Stressed Out After an intense series of meetings with his manager, your boss has returned to his desk looking distraught. When you approach him about something he snaps, and when he’s not buried in the project files, he’s checking in on you every five minutes to ask for updates. Stress begets stress. He can’t help but feel his morale plummet and stress levels rise when his supervisor’s anxious. Now the pressure he’s feeling is being passed down to you because that’s the only way he knows how to deal with it. Try having a conversation with him; inquire as to whether there’s anything you can do to help. 3. She’s Facing a Restructuring Word from upper management is that the company’s restructuring, and what that corporate jargon means for your manager is that she’s got a tough decision to make. She may have been told that she can only keep two of the five team members, and even though she values all of you, she may have no choice but to downsize the group. And while hard decisions are being made, it makes sense that she’d inadvertently act a little cold. If there’s absolutely no way of you getting the information you need to figure out your next move, give yourself a timeline: How long are you willing to be on pins and needles? It’s OK if you decide that it’s not working for you and it’s time for a new job. 4. Your Team Isn’t Meeting Goal You’re all responsible for the goals the company sets, but as a person in charge of several employees, you can bet your manager feels this weight more than you. In a lot of organizations, when the team doesn’t meet the goal, the person blamed is the leader of that team. Your boss may be worried about losing his job or even just stressed about an impending difficult conversation with his supervisor. He doesn’t know how to act all cheerful like he normally is when the magnitude of this goal thing looms so large. If you suspect this is the reason for the changed demeanor, let him know that you’re doubling-down on your efforts and express confidence that the team’s going to get there. 5. She’s Job Searching Whether she’s been ducking out of the office at random hours, canceling your weekly meetings, and suggesting you email her with questions instead, there’s no denying the fact that there’s something strange going on. Your usual morning chats, once the a highlight of your day, have been replaced by a mere “Good morning.” after which she hides behind her computer screen for the rest of the day. If your supervisor’s in search of a new role, it’s an excellent explanation for her distance. While she’s in this state of limbo, she’s going to keep you at arm’s length. Don’t take it personally. And don’t assume the worst: It’s possible that a new manager could be a weak substitution for your awesome boss, but it’s also possible that her replacement could be even better. Of course, you don’t have to stick around if the change is one that makes you miserable at your job. Obviously, some of these scenarios are worse than others. But one thing is true of all of them: You have choices. If the department’s being restructured, and you’re facing a layoff, you can look at this as your opportunity to pursue a new role (maybe one with a higher salary and better perks). If your boss is continuing to be rude, you can speak up or seek out a trusted friend or person in HR; being disrespected at work doesn’t have to be tolerated. You also always have the option of asking your manager what’s going on in hopes of getting some clarity. It’s as easy as saying, “I’ve noticed that my work’s been getting a lot more feedback than usual/we’re not communicating as well as we used to and I wanted to see if there’s any reason why.” Obviously, not all managers will respond well to this line of questioning (and you probably have a sense of if yours will). But you might also gain some clarity on what can be a very confusing situation. Just remember at the end of the day, it’s not you this will help you get through what’s surely an uncomfortable situation.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

5 Job Interview Deal Breakers

5 Job Interview Deal Breakers 5 Job Interview Deal Breakers */ Read the infographic text. 5 JOB INTERVIEW DEAL BREAKERS When interviewing candidates for creative roles, what do you consider to be deal breakers*? 1. Checking or answering the phone during the interview: 77% 2. Showing up late without acknowledging it: 70% 3. Not bringing items that were requested (resume, portfolio, references): 70% 4. Wearing improper interview attire: 69% 5. Speaking poorly of a past job or employer: 62% Source: The Creative Group survey of 400 advertising and marketing executives in the United States. Multiple responses were permitted. *Something a candidate says or does that will likely discount him/her from consideration. © 2015 The Creative Group. A Robert Half Company. An Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/Disability/Vet.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

What You Need to Know About Working Abroad

What You Need to Know About Working Abroad What You Need to Know About Working Abroad Working abroad is something few people have the chance to experience in their careers.   Over the years I’ve had the opportunity to work overseas at different companies and in multiple roles. For those considering a career adventure overseas, the first things they tend to focus on are accommodations, transportation and money. After that, finding solutions related to taxes, healthcare and the big move comes next. The reality is that all of those items are probably the easiest things to manage in the transition from home country to overseas workplace. Many fail to foresee the challenges of working with different people and in different cultures. For those in the United States and Canada, the differences between the two countries are not a complete culture shock.   However, the broader the adventure, the greater the cultural difference one encounters.   I am often asked what it was like to work abroad. What challenges can one turn into opportunities when working overseas? Forget all the administrative items noted above.   Here are the three major pieces of advice I have for any job seeker considering a career move abroad. 1. Dip Your Toe. Don’t Dive Right In. Taking time to understand the business culture applies to any new job and certainly more so when it comes to working in new countries. Before you dive into a role, take the time to understand the team dynamics and performance expectations for you to be successful working with your new colleagues. A good piece of advice is to request a shadowing session before you make a final commitment.   If this isn’t possible, set an expectation with the new company that for the first week or so your goal will be to understand the working dynamics of the local culture. During this period you should watch and listen with a strategy in place to see how your experience and working style can be recalibrated with that of your new environment. In meetings, listen to how teams interact with each other and try to understand the decision-making process. Explore the following as you delve into the local business culture: Determine the Business Culture by observing how locals prefer to meet and interact. Make notes on whether or not the overall culture is laid back and relaxed or a more rigid and action-item focused. Take Note of Protocol and cultural differences even before you arrive. Some cultures have traditional ways of addressing colleagues by surname or varying gestures for greeting people by handshake or exchanging of formal business cards. Make sure you comply with these cultural distinctions. Observe and Respect Hierarchies within a team, company or community.   Some cultures have very open-door policies where team members can interact equally regardless of title, gender or seniority.   Others are more formal, such as when a business meeting cannot commence until the most senior attendee speaks. Understand these nuances and incorporate them into your behavior, even if they are not aligned with your past business experiences. Understand the Buy-In Expectations of the local culture for decision-making by taking note of what is needed by team members to validate ideas.   If big data in formal presentations is what people bring to the meeting to discuss issues, make sure you deliver. Listen and observe how ideas are brought to the table to get buy-in from the team. Adjust your style accordingly. Continuously Adapt Your Working Style throughout your engagement to be respectful of the local culture and business. If you sense that you may have crossed a line “culturally,” make amends quickly and don’t repeat this behavior again. The key takeaway here is to respectfully observe and listen and not enforce your style of work into the new environment.   According to John Coleman and Bill George from the Harvard Business Review, it is important to “resist that temptation by observing, listening, learning and understanding rather than judging.” They suggest that you “use your insights to improve local ways of operating but don’t rush to criticize,” which is advice that works domestically and internationally. 2. Park Your Process…But Bring Your Goals Objectives Process-driven business models are great, but they don’t work in all cultures. This is a major problem for people moving to new countries where the business lifestyle may be less structured. Before you try to enforce some great process that worked back home, remember to adapt yourself to the local business style and park your processes. I remember working in Greece a few years ago where many of the meetings involved a three-hour long casual discussion over coffee. The first 30 minutes were primarily geared towards relationship building and determining the degree of trust around the table. It was also highly unstructured. Business was discussed, then it was moved off the table to discuss local politics, and then put back on the table again before a casual discussion arose around soccer. Walking into such a meeting with a set agenda and a defined process would have been disastrous. What a team meeting in North America would have accomplished in 30 minutes took three hours in Greece. However, the overall goals of the meeting and final outcome were equally successful.   The following week I met with a group from Munich to discuss the very same business proposal and needless to say it was a very different experience.   The meeting took 20 minutes and was more of a question and answer session followed by handshakes and light discussion about the pros and cons of the newly designed Lufthansa lounge at the airport. The secret is to understand the objectives you want from the meeting and to use these as a checklist, not a road map. If you work with the flow of the local culture while mentally addressing the key topic areas- even if not in any sensible order compared to what you are accustomed to- you will be far more successful. Park the process but hang onto the meeting goals. Take the time to accommodate the local business culture needs. Don’t park you goals and objectives. Realign them around the local preference for discussing them and getting buy-in or answers. 3. Be Local and Humble I remember my first project meeting in the Caribbean back in 2001. I had arrived two days earlier, reviewed all the documentation, briefly met the team at a formal cocktail reception and began firing off meeting invites that evening. The first recurring meeting was scheduled for 10 a.m. local time, and I had the boardroom reserved. I arrived 10 minutes early, set up the projector, opened the files on my laptop and waited for the invited team members to arrive. I waited 20 minutes.   Then another 25 minutes. Fifty minutes after the original start time, the first team member arrived. The next morning I entered the project room and made an announcement. The day’s meeting was cancelled, and I wanted the team to take me “liming,” with all expenses covered by me.   We left the offices at 5 p.m. and headed out on an eight-hour tour where we went to one team member’s favorite roti shop, then to a pan yard and off to hear another team member’s band play at a soca club. I learned the difference between tourist beer and real hardworking local-man ale, got plenty of cheers when I confidently downed some scotch-bonnet laced sauces with ease and even learned some great tips for “whining” like a local. One great evening and $100 later, I went to bed to be fresh and ready for our 10 a.m. team meeting the next day. I arrived to that meeting to see that everyone had arrived on time, laptops open and ready to get to work. The lesson here is that trust and respect in a local business culture are not something you gain simply by the resume you bring with you from overseas. You have to earn it. Many people travel abroad and make the mistake of thinking that they can walk into a new culture and prove themselves with their knowledge. That simply isn’t the case. Showing a true interest in the local culture and people with a desire to learn goes a long way towards how successful you will be with your business objectives and goals abroad. Being humble and becoming “a local” will help you more than any prior business experience you bring to the table. Lastly, Balance Yourself and Your Family Needs… One additional and final item to consider is your personal mental health and family well-being. This is equally as important and plays an important role in how you will work with others in your new environment. For those who are embarking on such an adventure for the first time, Dr. Cathy Tsang-Feign’s book Living Abroad: What Every Expat Needs to Know is one I definitely recommend reading before you leave. As a psychologist and expert in expatriate and cross-cultural psychology, she provides a great resource for understanding the various emotional highs and lows you may experience as you transition into your new home abroad. Depending on the length of your assignment, you will need to adapt to the realities of the local culture and understand the pressures on yourself and your family. This book is probably one of the best resources to help you through this. So before you pack your bags, remember: flexibility and an open and healthy mind are important. Adapt to the local culture while keeping your business sensibilities in check. After all, the outcome is what is important, and the road to get there can be an   adventure. Don’t miss out on the journey.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

How to create a zen meditation space and improve your career

How to create a zen meditation space and improve your career How to create a zen meditation space and improve your career I’m not going to lie - the first time I tried to meditate, I felt utterly ridiculous. I’d read about all of the benefits and how it was going to be “completely life-changing,” but for the most part, I just sat there with my eyes closed and worried I was doing it wrong.No one bothered to tell me that there’s a bit of a learning curve when it comes to meditation. You can’t just plop down on a pillow and become a master in 15 minutes. Like so many things in life, it takes practice. However, once I got the hang of it, I found it to be just as cathartic as all the meditation and yoga blogs had promised.The benefits of meditation most often touted are lowered blood pressure, more restful sleep, and stress relief. For this anxiety-ridden writer, it was the promise of reduced stress that really called to me. I hoped that by lowering my stress levels I could find a bit of peace in life - but I never expected it to have the impact it did on my career.Meditation your careerEven p eople that absolutely love their jobs are subject to work-related stress. And since stress can have a serious effect on our  mental and physical health, it’s important we find healthy ways to deal with it. One of those ways is meditation.When we’re under physical or mental pressure, our bodies release stress hormones (e.g. cortisol, adrenaline, norepinephrine) and go into “fight or flight” mode. However, researchers from the Benson-Henry Institute found that practicing meditation causes what they call the “relaxation response” - this is effectively the opposite of “fight or flight.” Their studies have revealed that the relaxation response not only lessens stress and anxiety, it also positively affects heart rate, blood pressure, and brain activity.Being able to tap into  meditation exercises in the office  can reduce stress, help you to make better decisions, enhance your creativity, and boost your concentration. What’s more, it can give you the perspective you ne ed to deal with  workplace anxiety.One of the nicest things about meditation is that it can be practiced almost anywhere - I’ve done it in my car and even at my desk. All it takes is five to 10 minutes of meditation during your lunch break to release tension and get some clarity. That said if you  really  want to make the most of your meditation, practicing for 30 minutes to an hour every day is better - especially if you have a dedicated space at home to do it in.Designing a summer meditation space at homeWhile an indoor meditation space is awesome for year-round use, an outdoor area can really shake things up (in a good way!) Summer mornings and evenings are the perfect time to get outside and meditate. There’s something so soothing about meditating when surrounded by nature. You can feel the breeze on your skin, hear the birds in the trees, and smell the sweet summer air. It’s heavenly.Here are the fundamentals you’ll need to create a zen summer meditation space:Privacy It’s difficult to meditate when you feel exposed. Create a feeling of safety and security with fencing, hedges, trees, trellises, umbrellas, folding screens, or hanging tapestries.Flora, stone, waterWhen creating a meditation area, it’s important to incorporate the elements. Even though you’re already outdoors, you’ll still want to add some greenery into your space. Use your senses as a guide when choosing plants - look for pleasing textures, brightly colored flowers, and calming fragrances. Stone will add to the strength and stability of your space. Use flat stones, river rock, bricks, and pavers to build an altar, labyrinth, or rock sculptures. A recirculating patio fountain will not only bring water into your outdoor haven but also produce a marvelous sound to train your focus to while meditating. ComfortA truly refreshing meditation session will call for a certain amount of comfort. Fashion a comfy spot to meditate by layering outdoor rugs, cushions, and throw blankets. To help beat the heat (and avoid a sunburn), tie fabric to trees or structures to create a shaded cover.Lighting decorMinimalism is the best approach when it comes to decorating your meditation area - you don’t want it to be overly cluttered and distracting. The trick is to select decor that fills you with a sense of serenity and tranquility. Popular items include meditation beads, crystals, bells, singing bowls, wind chimes, and affirmation stones. Light your space with candles, fairy lights, decorative lanterns, or a fire pit.ConclusionYour summer meditation space can be as small or as large as you’d like. Personally, I prefer a cozy nook to a large, open space, but it’s all about personal preference. Choose a space that brings you peace and turns it into a meditation haven.Spend at least 20 minutes each day meditating outside. Close your eyes, follow your breathing, and practice visualization. You can do this before work, after work, or both. The more you practice meditation, the more you’ll see the benefits. So grab a cushion, go outside, and get your summer meditation on - you’ll be feeling happy and centered in no time!This article first appeared on Create Cultivate.

Monday, November 11, 2019

The Pain of Graphic Resumes

The Pain of Graphic Resumes Who Else Wants to Learn About Graphic Resumes? Internet programming is quite a dynamic field that's constantly being enhanced and changed. An old-school characteristic of a resume was to place your Objective at the peak of the webpage. Resumes with maps or infographics supply exactly the same chronology of information, but with a little more flair. You've worked hard to develop your impressive portfolio but if you set it together in a Microsoft Word File with clunky looking default formatting, it's only likely to appear dull and boring. Many are not interested in altering the manner they work. You're a graphics gal or guy, so earning a portfolio from scratch may be a little challenging. The width on the opposite hand, was adequate to provide a fantastic general cohesiveness in the image. A graphic resume can help you stand out and it might be a beneficial networking tool. So you've spotted the particular career you would like. Career target e lement in resume will incorporate the facts of somebody's future accomplishments you would love to accomplish working to the particular status in the business. A graphical layout may not be for everybody, nor appropriate for every single profession and industry. Once more, please remember your graphic resume value profile isn't a replacement for your traditional resume. A big issue with layouts that out-of-the-box is they overlook the employers needs. Remember you're not attempting to teach the hiring manager about a project you want to teach them about YOU. Rather than a graphic resume, think of an infographic for a marketing tool. The very good thing for graphic designers without an experience is, it's simple to find some. A site helps your private brand get stronger by offering you a platform to demonstrate your worth. An internet designer is to blame for creating and keeping up the internet presence of one company, or a list of clients. Given the significance of a work application, an absolutely free template might not be always enough to showcase your talent. Our internet developer resume samples will reveal to you precisely how to present your qualifications so that employers will see your in depth experience and expert background. A superb web developer resume takes the opportunity to outline the huge experience a developer has in all the disciplines that clients will have to maintain and increase their internet presence. The Key to Successful Graphic Resumes Infographic resumes are very new trend. It's possible to down load because many resumes as you'd like. Infographic-style resumes have gotten popular, and they may be effective when done well. Several of the graphic resumes on the internet proved very astonishing by my perspective. How to Choose Graphic Resumes In many instances , it might be appropriate to send an infographic resume together with a traditional resume. You will need a traditional resume to comply with a few employers' requirements. Then it is possible to receive a visually distinctive resume sent out to possible employers. Or, you may not want employers to understand how old you should steer clear of age discrimination. The Death of Graphic Resumes If you are only starting out in your career the job of creating a resume can be daunting. As a job seeker, your resume must be in a position to do the very same thing to be able to land you more interviews. Graphical resumes may add a completely new dimension by visually introducing the person supporting the experience. Infographic resumes aren't for everybody, however, and occasionally a traditional resume will be more appropriate, based on the situation. There are a lot of creative resume templates. When picking your color, think of what it will say about you. You might really Of res tart templates is composed of a number of imaginative restart layouts. Moreover, you can construct your very own recognizable brand image. Type of Graphic Resumes Think about your infographic resume design for a portfolio piece. Otherwise, you may also employ a graphic designer that will help you out. You don't need to be worried about your graphic designer resume. An internet designer is to blame for making the look and functionality of a web site. Choosing Good Graphic Resumes It's simple to use and absolutely yours for free for your private use! A couple the templates are completely free while the others cost two or three dollars. Drafting a great infographic resume is a time intensive and a tricky job and so to assist you with the exact same, various infographic resume templates are readily available. The remaining part of the templates are quickly readily available to Guru readers.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

The Number One Question You Must Ask for Camp Counselor Resume

The Number One Question You Must Ask for Camp Counselor Resume Camp t-shirts have to be worn each and every day, and extra t-shirts can be bought from your branch. The City of Mississauga runs camps for the complete period of the summertime. Before you write your contemporary resume, you are going to want to pinpoint what things to include. It's crucial that you don't simply apply these resumes verbatim. Camp sessions during these times are subject to a three camper minimum for camp to happen. Our Day Camp offers a vast selection of engaging summer day choices that accommodate all families. Be Fair When you own a couple of kids, it's simple to pick your favorites. See the camp counselor resume template at the peak of this informative article. Using Camp Counselor Resume It is essential that you edit your cover letter. The cover letter thus is a significant tool for the ideal application. A great cover letter will allow you to get noticed among the applicants in additi on to provide you with the occasion to point out all that you need to offer. Writing a cover letter is very much like writing a store since it must be compelling, and the term choice is vitally important. Your cover letter is likely to make an impression and it is well worth the effort to guarantee the impression is a positive one. Ideally you're going to be able to locate a solution that makes both sides contented and there might be occasions when you might need to remove a kid altogether especially if there's violence or the threat of violence. To stick out from the pack needs a great resume. Use the experience part of your camp counselor resume to your benefit. Once you're already aware with the fundamentals of camp operations, it is going to be less difficult for you to make a camp counselor resume. At length, camp counselors carry a substantial duty of caring for children. The 2nd aspiring counselor doesn't understand how to market themselves. You deserve to compose the ideal camp counselor resume. The camp counselor cover letter is significantly required for those, that are attempting to submit an application for a camp counselor's job. Keeping that in mind, the following is a list of the best 10 skills whom I feel you have to be a very good camp counselor. In addition, you can look for camp counselor jobs on Monster. If you're interested in joining a summer camp group, our Camp Counselor resume sample can help you prepare one that is going to convince the hiring manager you're highly qualified for the open position. It's possible to find employment for a counselor without previous knowledge in a camp setting. Great luck landing employment for a camp counselor. An employer would like to know they can trust you to lead with authority. You have to bethat applicant. Examine the things employers search for in jobseekers. When you've reviewed resumes in your field, peruse resumes across fields to know how to vary using action verbs and receive a feel for what makes an effective accomplishment statement. A job for a camp counselor can be unbelievably fulfilling and fun, which is the reason why you will need to receive your career began with the perfect resume. He or she is a very different kind of job where a person needs to have p rofessional and personal skills. An excellent counselor will get everyone involved and everyone an opportunity. Being a camp counselor is an excellent job provided that you are not that keen on making a good deal of money. It is very important to make your resume short but not at the price of relevant details. Make sure that you get the information you're looking for. Below, you will discover a list of resume examples that could aid you with your work search. If you are only beginning to create a career path for a camp counselor, you might use our Functional Resume Template samples as references in making your professional profile. Here's What I Know About Camp Counselor Resume Mentioning your responsibilities is crucial, but when expanding, stick to the particular skills you will need for your preferred position. Providing detailed descriptions of your experience in working with children can help you to stick out from your competition and be sure that your resume is suppl ied a significant review. There are particular sections you might want to have in your contemporary resume, including education, work experience and an overview of your abilities. Utilizing our functional resume format is a significant method to display your abilities and accomplishments up front.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Cover Page for Resume Example Guide

Cover Page for Resume Example Guide Each one has the power to use a little help with their resume, especially if they're interested in a career within a really technical industry. There are those who have already done a numerous quantity of work that is the reason why their portfolio can already be considered a book. Then, you should have lots of college-related experience for a complete page resume. Great work, you finally have a cover prepared to be sent to the printers! Cover Page for Resume Example Fundamentals Explained Taking a photo of a web site on your monitor isn't acceptable. Most significantly, the document must be shown in the appropriate format. If you're planning to create a DVD cover, you can seek the advice of DVD cover template options since they come up with a prestructured DVD cover which it is simple to customize depending on your DVD data. As stated before, you wish to visit find a restart format that's worthy of your personal account. Cover Page fo r Resume Example at a Glance The contents of the cover letter might also be dependent on the prerequisites of the recipient. If you don't understand what a cover letter appears like and what text ought to be in there, you can benefit from readymade cover letter templates. A strong cover letter is able to make your application stick out from the crowd. A prosperous cover letter will cause an interview for the position. Cover Page for Resume Example - the Conspiracy Below you will observe some of the best nursing ePortfolio profiles from throughout the nation. Careers in the health care industry take a wide variety of expertise and education. Whether you wish to receive a job in nursing, dentistry, or pharmaceuticals, we've got a sample that is relevant to your career path. One is for authors within the identical institution and the other one is for authors with unique affiliations. The Number One Question You Must Ask for Cover Page for Resume Example If you've got the desi gn in your thoughts, adding it to the readymade template is extremely handy. A free resume psd template that include simple and tasteful style. You can depend on binder cover templates here and they are available in a wide variety of designs which range from girly to romantic to nautical to abstract. No matter that you want to download a cover page template for private use or your enterprise, there's always a special style for you to use. Top Choices of Cover Page for Resume Example You may decide to get hired able that's exactly like the one that you left, or you could pick a job in a new career which uses your top skills. Be certain to tailor any samples you use to coordinate with your own background and the job for which you're applying. There are lots of standard kinds of cover pages for resumes yelomdigitalsiteco utilized to make an application for job openings. Don't litter your private career portfolio with each piece you've ever done. The 5-Minute Rule for Cover Pa ge for Resume Example Take under account the main portions of someone's qualificationsthe things you would want to have an employer to learn off the bat. For instance, a cover letter is a fantastic place to speak about a career shift or maybe to explain a long gap in employment. Whenever possible, utilize a brief story or anecdote to spell out how you have accomplished something before and after that relate it to the employer's specific requirements and the way you can fill them. It is crucial to have an all-inclusive portfolio as it's the document being shown to prospective clients which will give them with the concept of the type of work that somebody can offer. The important thing here is to understand this is a procedure. It is influence. It is to understand that as your portfolio becomes more diverse, you'll need to be more and more conscious of keeping your portfolio on task and organized. You're able to use these cover pages for company or educational documents. If you presently have a web site, then including a Portfolio section is an obvious option. In the skilled and academic arenas, many projects ask that you create a cover page. The function of the portfolio cover page is to supply the reviewer with information concerning the contents. Cover Page for Resume Example for Dummies After reading through a thorough case study, the prospective client ought to have a firm grasp of your capabilities and will probably be prepared to either begin discussions with you or earn a purchase. You may feel like the document is unnecessary since you're already providing a resume with tons of information. The information and elements you include will be contingent on the kind of document you're creating and other specifics of the undertaking. If you're asking for work in marketing or sales, you will need to highlight key performance metrics. As your work evolves, or in case you should emphasize a specific style of artwork for a particular interview , you'll easily have the ability to expand and tailor your portfolio as needed. The portfolio book cover design might also be personal if you're to use an icon or an image that represents you as an individual or the product that has made you known by men and women in the business. A complete portfolio cover will give a hint about the topic of the portfolio, your name and a few of them even includes a welcome message. In reality, you might want to research some magnificent portfolio websites for inspiration toward the plan on your own portfolio website. While it might appear tedious, you must always customize each letter to fit the particular job for which you're applying. When applying for an IT job, you will probably must get through an HR representative who may not be well-versed in the technical details of the position. If you're interested in more than 1 job, fill out more than 1 application. It supplies the hiring manager a summary of the qualifications you've got for t he job for which you're applying.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

The Recently Leaked Secret to Good Resume Adjectives Uncovered

The Recently Leaked Secret to Good Resume Adjectives Uncovered Good Resume Adjectives at a Glance Your capacity to teach others the ropes might be definite asset. Sparingly utilize words of authority if you don't have the experience to support it. If you've got a great deal of academic experience, you'll most likely have to compose an academic CV, not only a normal scholarship resume. If you have lots of social work experience, you should think about utilizing an expert summary. Frequently, bad writing is a consequence of trying too tough to impress. The situations you mention should be absolutely the most compelling demonstrations of why you ought to be hired not the other candidates. The key issue is to make certain you use clear and strong adjectives to convey your abilities and accomplishments. Nowadays you tell the remainder of the best of your story. Naturally, that reliance on the job posting will additionally help to keep the remainder of your resume focused too. There is definitely a time and a location for a resume overhaul. Read on, and you're going to find out how to produce the best scholarship resume in the pile. You always need to set yourself aside from the remaining part of the applicants as long as it's for the proper factors. Good Resume Adjectives Can Be Fun for Everyone After you've crafted your resume objective and are prepared to locate a telecommute social networking marketing position, take a look at our Telecommute Job Board where you will see the most exciting social networking jobs on the net! Working at a desk in an office daily isn't well suited for productivity. If you hope to work in a job which involves handling confidential info, you should note any prior training and experience working in the region of information privacy, if any. Because the career objective part might be the Initial part of t he majority of resumes. When you produce a resume, you need to have a prospective employer's attention without embellishing any info. In case the client wants an individuals will remember, I give them one people won't ever forget. Most of the info in your resume will be a discussion about your fieldwork or employment experience, but the manner that information is presented can dramatically impact the way you're viewed by the facility. Sooner or later, your capacity to effectively deliver that message may be the secret to convincing that employer that you're the ideal candidate for the job! Regardless of what industry you work in, proving that you have what it requires to do your work effectively is crucial. For example, you can use diligent to reveal your love of a work well done, dedicated to clearly show your passion, motivation and willingness, and confident to demonstrate your understanding of yourself and your ability to accomplish any task without hesitating or being afraid. Employing power words which best communicate your qualifications and talent to a prospective employer can boost your abilities. If you claim to be determined, for instance, cite an illustration of a time whenever your determination provided tangible advantages to a past employer. The True Meaning of Good Resume Adjectives It's fine to leave in a couple of the previous verbs. If, for example, a project is understood to be a fantastic job there isn't any way to compute the results. Emphasize your present skill set, abilities and anyspecial machinery and equipment certifications you need to convince employers to read the remainder of your resume. Use confident' to demonstrate you know who you are as an individual and that you're able to carry any tasks without being afraid or hesitating. Customer service teams are often called the surface of the entity with which they're associated. Resume action words supply a number of advantages. You are able to choose adjectives to suit the area or department you would like to enter. It's possible to likewise develop and also create your own worksheets. Reading comprehension worksheets ought to be formed reasonably.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

What Everyone Is Saying About Email when Sending Resume

What Everyone Is Saying About Email when Sending Resume Remember that when you don't comply with the employer's instructions, your application might not be considered. When you're requested to email your work application to a company, it is possible to either copy and paste your cover letter into the body of your email, or you are able to attach it like a file, together with your resume. Write the content of the email in a distinct document first It is highly advised to compose your letter in another Word document first rather than typing this up on the authentic email client in 1 go. Should you decide you need or will need to incorporate a cover letter, it's possible to either post the text directly in the email or attach it like a second file as well as your resume. If you don't have the ideal email address, you may look up the provider's profile on Google, LinkedIn, the site, or related public platforms. Most email companies make it simple to attach a document. In case the company has not specified their preference, it is all up to you how you'd love to send your cover letter to them. Knowing the business better also can help you choose the correct tone to utilize in your cover letter. When it's by email, you might be advised about what format you need to use for your resume, what things to include in the topic line of the email message, and by once the employer should receive it. Many times, employers might ask you to follow instructions in order that they can see and react to the email, others might be testing you will read and finish the instructions properly. You may believe you understand how to email a resume to a prospective employer. Potential employers are extremely quick to judge so it's critical to earn a positive first impression. The Little-Known Secrets to Email when Sending Resume Enable the recipient know that you currently have the qualifications required for the job. You're more inclined to receive a response from a cold email in the event the recipient knows you're intent on pursuing your career of choice, and the perfect way to express that is to clearly show your work. In any event, you've met your objective of getting your resume before an actual person. The recruiter is going to understand your mail first when he logs in, possibility of obtaining a response is rather high. If you're searching for work, odds are good that there'll be times that you want to send your resume and cover letter to a hiring manager via email. A superb job recommendation letter can reinforce the hiring manager's perception of the individual and for that reason, make it even more likely they get an opportunity. You should get your cover letter before the folks that are doing the hiring. When you're applying for work, you always need to send a resume and cover letter. After that, write a few sentences about your last job or what it is you are currently doing. The Chronicles of Email when Sending Resume Prevent any formatting in the resume email text If you would like your email to be read, it is wise to remove all of the formatting. Also, it's extremely important your own email id appears professional. If you're able to discover a connection, great! Mention any connections you've got. Although there are lots of approaches to compose a cover letter, the subsequent general format has worked well for candidates previously. Convert the finished document to a PDF, again to make sure the formatting stays the way that yo u set this up regardless of what software the individual who views it uses. A good idea is to send the email to someone you recognize first to look at your formatting works properly. Writing a perfect resume email is only a fraction of all of the situations you must keep in mind before you click send. The worth of networking is crucial. With email being such a saturated marketing and advertising channel, locating a way to have your emails rise over the noise is vital. Read some ideas on picking a good resume file name to make certain that it is named appropriately. The secret is to include your name and supply a preview of the objective of the message.